Course categories

Transnational Entrepreneurship

{mlang en}

The main objective of the Transnational Curriculum is to educate and train quality entrepreneurial staff that is able to conduct business operations in an international setting by starting a transnational enterprise. Businesses nowadays cooperate on a global scale.

The curriculum is divided into 2 levels: vocational education and training level, and university level.

{mlang}{mlang bg}

Основната цел на Транснационалната учебна програма е да образова и обучи предприемачи да извършват бизнес операции в международна обстановка чрез стартиране на транснационална компания. В днешно време компаниите си сътрудничат на глобално ниво.

Учебната програма е разделена на две нива: ниво професионално образование и обучение (ПОО) и Университетско ниво.



{mlang en}

Subject overview

The subject introduces students to the challenges of starting a new business venture in a travel, tourism and hospitality and operating it in an international setting. The subject programme covers various theoretical and practical aspects of entrepreneurship and innovations management that will help students gain skills to develop a feasible business plan in travel, tourism and hospitality. Furthermore, it introduces students to the concept of international business and how they can successfully manage a tourist company in an international context.



The subject aims to:

  • Equip students with theoretical knowledge about entrepreneurship, innovations and business planning in travel, tourism and hospitality
  • Equip students with knowledge and skills in managing a new business venture in an international context
  • Develop skills for applying the theoretical knowledge into tourism business practice
  • Develop managerial, decision-making, creative thinking, planning and organisational skills
  • Provide students with skills for effective and efficient business planning in tourism
  • Raise awareness about the social and ethical issues of entrepreneurship in tourism


Learning outcomes

After completing the subject students should be able to:

  • Understand the key aspects of entrepreneurship in tourism context
  • Critically evaluate the role of innovations in the entrepreneurial process in tourism
  • Identify the key elements and steps in developing a business plan
  • Develop and justify a business plan
  • Formulate a competitive international business strategy
  • Be able to a suitable entry mode for internationalisation of a tourism business
  • Create an innovative marketing mix to attract international customers
  • Know how to finance the business venture
  • Evaluate the feasibility of the international business idea
  • Identify and manage international risks in the business process
  • Evaluate the social and ethical issues in entrepreneurship in tourism


Transnational Curriculum "Transnational Entrepreneurship in Tourism" - University Level

{mlang}{mlang bg}


Учебната програма запознава обучаемите с предизвикателствата на започването на ново бизнес начинание в сферата на пътуванията, туризма и гостоприемството и функционирането му в международна обстановка. Програмата по теми обхваща различни теоретични и практични аспекти на  предприемачеството и управлението на иновациите, които ще помогнат на студентите да придобият умения за разработване на изпълним бизнес план в областта на пътуванията, туризма и гостоприемството. Освен това, тя запознава студентите с концепцията за международен бизнес и как те могат успешно да управляват туристическа компания в международен контекст.



Учебната програма има за цел:

  • Да даде на студентите теоретични познания по предприемачество, иновации и бизнес планиране в сферата на пътуванията, туризма и гостоприемството.
  • Да даде на студентите знания и умения в управлението на ново бизнес начинание в международен контекст
  • Да развие умения за прилагане на теоретичните знания в бизнес практиката на устойчивия туризъм
  • Да разработи управленски умения, умения за вземане на решения, творческо мислене, планиране и организационни умения
  • Да осигури на студентите умения за ефективно и ефикасно бизнес планиране в туризма
  • Да повиши осведомеността относно социалните и етичните въпроси на предприемачеството в туризма


Резултати от ученето

След завършване на курса на обучение студентите трябва да могат да:

  • Разбират основните аспекти на предприемачеството в туристически контекст
  • Оценяват критично ролята на иновациите в процеса на предприемачеството в туризма
  • Идентифицират ключовите елементи и стъпки при разработването на бизнес план
  • Могат да разработват и обосновават бизнес план
  • Формулират конкурентна международна бизнес стратегия
  • Бъдат в подходящ приемащ режим за интернационализация на туристическия бизнес
  • Създават иновативен маркетингов микс за привличане на международни клиенти
  • Знаят как да финансира бизнес предприятието
  • Преценяват осъществимостта на международната бизнес идея
  • Идентифицират и управляват рисковете в бизнес процеса
  • Правят оценка на социалните и етичните въпроси в областта на предприемачеството в туризма

Транснационален учебен план "Транснационално предприемачество в туризма" - Университетско ниво


Vocational Education and Training

 {mlang en}

Objectives of the program

The main objective of this program is to educate and train quality entrepreneurial staff that is able to conduct business operations in an international setting by starting a transnational enterprise. Businesses nowadays cooperate on a global scale. Technological advancement is the reason for the fact that almost no business exists that operates only on a national level. The educated participants from this program will be able to tackle the various challenges that arise from international cooperation.


Program outcomes

By completing this program students will gain knowledge about the challenges of setting up and operating a transnational business from an entrepreneurial point of view. In this sense the students will not only be knowledgeable about the basic fundamentals of entrepreneurship, globalization and international entrepreneurship, but they will also be able to determine the different international economic relations of transnational businesses, to choose the best strategy for international marketing, to solve the legal implications that can arise from international cooperation of the business entity, as well as to successfully manage the diverse workforce in the establishment itself. Furthermore, the participants of this program will also be able to assess the different risks that can arise from international operating and then to manage them accordingly, as well as to assess the surroundings through choosing a correct situational analysis, including a SWOT-analysis of the transnational business/enterprise. In order to be more prepared for real-life situations the students will be provided needed information with practical significance by presenting numerous best practices of operating international/transnational business entities. The above mentioned aspects of conducting business in a transnational environment are divided into logical topics. In this way students will gradually be provided the needed knowledge, regarding this field. An important part of the program is also the visits by professionals/experts from the international/transnational business community who will provide quality lectures to the students and give them useful advice.

Content of the Program

Included in the program are 11 different topics, with a total of 100 contact hours. These contact hours are divided between the topics where the hours range from 7 to 12 hours individually. The topics are structured in a logical manner in order the students gradually to acquire knowledge about transnational entrepreneurship. In this sense, the topics examine the most important aspects of international operations of transnational establishments. The knowledge that comes out of these examined aspects in the program is needed for setting up a new venture by the future entrepreneurs. When a topic finishes the students will have tests in order to determine the level of acquired knowledge for each topic. The final grade will not be comprised only from the written tests done by the students, but also their overall interactivity during lectures, group and homework as well the created and presented business plans. In order the students to be more prepared for real situations in the future, renowned professional lecturers from the transnational business community will participate in the program by transferring their knowledge and experiences to the students. At the end of the program the students will be given certificates for participation and completion of this program.


Involvement of the business professionals and experts in lectures

An important part of this program is the very involvement of professionals who have the expertise and knowledge as successful entrepreneurs in transnational enterprises. The involved professionals will conduct lectures that relate to the topics included in the program. In this way the gained theoretical knowledge will be supplemented by proper practical knowledge about transnational entrepreneurship.


Transnational Curriculum "Transnational Entrepreneurship in Tourism" - VET Level

{mlang}{mlang bg}

Цели на програмата

Основната цел на тази програма е да образова и обучи качествен предприемачески персонал, който е в състояние да извършва бизнес операции в международна обстановка, като стартира транснационална компания. Бизнесът днес си сътрудничи в глобален мащаб. Технологичният напредък е причината за факта, че не съществува почти никакъв бизнес, който работи само на национално ниво. Обучените участници от тази програма ще могат да се справят с различните предизвикателства, възникващи от международното сътрудничество.


Резултати от програмата

Със завършването на тази програма студентите ще придобият знания за предизвикателствата на създаването и експлоатацията на транснационален бизнес от предприемаческа гледна точка. В този смисъл студентите не само ще придобият знания за основните на предприемачеството, глобализацията и международното предприемачество, но и ще могат да определят различните международни икономически отношения на транснационални предприятия, да изберат най-добрата стратегия за международен маркетинг, да разрешат правните последици, които могат да произтекат от международното сътрудничество на стопанския субект, както и да управляват успешно различните служители в самата фирма. Освен това участниците в тази програма ще могат също така да оценят различните рискове, които могат да произтекат от международната дейност и след това да ги управляват съответно, както и да оценят средата чрез избор на правилен анализ на състоянието, включително SWOT-анализ на транснационалната дейност/фирма. За да бъдат по-подготвени за реални ситуации, на студентите ще бъде предоставена необходимата информация с практическо значение, с множество най-добри практики за работа с международни/ транснационални бизнес единици/фирми. Горепосочените аспекти на извършването на бизнес в транснационалната среда са разделени на логически свързани теми. По този начин на студентите постепенно ще бъдат предоставени необходимите знания, по отношение на тази област. Важна част от програмата са и посещенията на професионалисти/ експерти от международната/ транснационалната бизнес общност, които ще проведат качествени лекции на студентите и ще им дават полезни съвети.

Съдържание на програмата

В програмата са включени 11 различни теми, с общо 100 часа хорариум. Тези часове са разделени по теми, при които часовете варират от 7 до 12 часа на тема. Темите са структурирани по логичен начин, за да могат студентите да придобият знания постепенно за транснационалното предприемачество. В този смисъл темите разглеждат най-важните аспекти на международните дейности на транснационалните предприятия. Знанията, което получават от тези разгледани аспекти в програмата, са необходими на бъдещите предприемачи за създаването на нова компания. Когато дадена тема завърши, студентите ще имат тестове, за да се определи нивото на придобитите знания по всяка тема. Окончателната оценка няма да се състои само от писмените тестове, направени от студентите, но и цялостното им активно участие по време на лекции, в груповите задания и домашна работа, както и създадените и представени бизнес планове. За да могат студентите да бъдат по-подготвени за реални ситуации в бъдеще, в програмата ще участват известни професионални лектори от различните сфери на бизнес общността, които ще предадат от знанията и опита си на студентите. В крайна сметка, студентите ще получат сертификати за участие за успешно завършване на тази програма.


Участие на бизнес специалисти и експерти в лекциите

Важна част от тази програма е участието на професионалисти, които имат опит и знания като успешни предприемачи в транснационални предприятия. Участващите професионалисти ще четат лекции, свързани с темите, включени в програмата. По този начин придобитите теоретични познания ще бъдат допълнени с подходящи практически познания по транснационално предприемачество.

Транснационална учебна програма "Транснационално предприемачество в туризма" - ниво ПОО



{mlang en}

The main objective of the Transnational curriculum is to introduce young people to the challenges of starting a new and sustainable business venture in a travel, tourism and hospitality setting. The subject programme covers various theoretical and practical aspects of sustainable entrepreneurship and innovations management that will help students gain skills to develop a feasible business plan in travel, tourism and hospitality. The curriculum is divided into 2 levels: vocational education and training level and university level.

{mlang}{mlang bg}

Основната цел на Транснационалната учебна програма е да запознае младежите с предизвикателствата пред започването на нови и устойчиви бизнес начинания в областта на туризма и хотелиерството. Програмата обхваща различни теоретични и практически аспекти на устойчивото предприемачество и управлението на иновациите, които ще подпомогнат обучаемите да придобият умения за разработване на реалистични бизнес планове в областта на туризма и хотелиерството. Учебната програма е разделена на две нива: ниво професионално образование и обучение [ПОО] и Университетско ниво.



Subject overview

The subject introduces students to the challenges of starting a new and sustainable business venture in a travel, tourism and hospitality setting. The subject programme covers various theoretical and practical aspects of sustainable entrepreneurship and innovations management that will help students gain skills to develop a feasible business plan in travel, tourism and hospitality.



The subject aims to:

  • Equip students with theoretical knowledge about entrepreneurship, innovations and business planning in travel, tourism and hospitality
  • Develop appreciation for sustainable tourism practices
  • Develop skills for applying the theoretical knowledge into sustainable tourism business practice
  • Develop managerial, decision-making, creative thinking, planning and organisational skills
  • Provide students with skills for effective and efficient business planning in tourism
  • Raise awareness about the social and ethical issues of entrepreneurship in tourism


Learning outcomes

After completing the subject students should be able to:

  • Appreciate sustainability as a concept
  • Develop, introduce and successfully apply sustainable tourism practices
  • Understand the key aspects of entrepreneurship in tourism context
  • Critically evaluate the role of innovations in the entrepreneurial process in tourism
  • Identify the key elements and steps in developing a business plan
  • Develop and justify a business plan
  • Formulate a competitive business strategy
  • Create an innovative marketing mix to attract customers
  • Know how to finance the business venture
  • Evaluate the feasibility of the business idea
  • Identify and manage risks in the business process
  • Apply sustainability concept in all aspects and stages of entrepreneurship in tourism


Transnational Curriculum "Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Tourism" - University Level

Objectives of the program

This program has the main objective to provide students with the know-how and knowledge of developing entrepreneurship in a sustainable way. Modern circumstances of operating a business must include methods and ways of implementing sustainable activities. The aim is to educate quality human resources that will represent successful entrepreneurs for future establishing viable businesses in different fields. This is done in order to boost economic development in accordance with modern needs in global terms.


Program outcomes

By completing this program students will gain competences which will help them become successful entrepreneurs and start up a new business that will be sustainable in many ways. Not only will they acquire the basic knowledge about entrepreneurship and sustainability but also the importance of implementing sustainable-based innovation, the major implications of the new establishment on society, economy and environment. They will also be ready to choose the right marketing management that is related to sustainability, to successfully manage human resources in order for them to implement sustainability in their own workplaces, as well as proper risk management and situational analysis in order to determine the surroundings, its positive and negative influences, and according to this to take corrective action when needed. These different fields are divided into topics which are logically connected into the program. Furthermore, the provided theoretical information and knowledge will be supplemented with quality practical advices or best practices of conducting business in a sustainable manner, as well as lecturing by members of the tourism business community.


Transnational Curriculum "Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Tourism" - VET Level

{mlang en}The main objective of the Transnational curriculum is to introduce students to the concept of international business and how they can successfully manage a tourist company in an international context. It will provide students with knowledge on the use of entrepreneurship in small and medium sized enterprises who operate in different fields of the tourism industry.

The curriculum is divided into 2 levels: vocational education and training level, and university level. {mlang}

{mlang bg}Основната цел на Транснационалната учебна програма е да запознае обучаемите с концепцията за международния бизнес и как те могат успешно да управляват туристическа компания в международна среда. Тя ще предостави на обучаемите знания за предприемачество в малки и средни предприятия, които работят в различни сфери на туристическата индустрия.

Учебната програма е разделена на две нива: ниво професионално образование и обучение [ПОО] и Университетско ниво. {mlang}

Subject overview

The subject introduces students to the challenges of starting a new business venture in a travel, tourism and hospitality setting. The subject programme covers various theoretical and practical aspects of entrepreneurship and innovations management that will help students gain skills to develop a feasible business plan in travel, tourism and hospitality.



The subject aims to:

  • Equip students with theoretical knowledge about entrepreneurship, innovations and business planning in travel, tourism and hospitality
  • Develop skills for applying the theoretical knowledge into tourism business practice
  • Develop managerial, decision-making, creative thinking, planning and organisational skills
  • Provide students with skills for effective and efficient business planning in tourism
  • Raise awareness about the social and ethical issues of entrepreneurship in tourism


Learning outcomes

After completing the subject students should be able to:

  • Understand the key aspects of entrepreneurship in tourism context
  • Critically evaluate the role of innovations in the entrepreneurial process in tourism
  • Identify the key elements and steps in developing a business plan
  • Develop and justify a business plan
  • Formulate a competitive business strategy
  • Create an innovative marketing mix to attract customers
  • Know how to finance the business venture
  • Evaluate the feasibility of the business idea
  • Identify and manage risks in the business process
  • Evaluate the social and ethical issues in entrepreneurship in tourism


Transnational Curriculum "Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Related Industries" - University Level

Objectives of the program

The main objective of the program is to provide students with knowledge on the use of entrepreneurship in small and medium sized enterprises who operate in different fields of the tourism industry. With the completion of this program students should be able to understand the complexity of doing business in tourism as a dominantly people – oriented sector. This should help them in establishing a tourism business with all its characteristics, taken into account the latest trends in the industry.


Program outcomes

This program will allow students to gain knowledge about the fundamental characteristics of entrepreneurship and its place and role in tourism. That is why student will acquire specialized knowledge in several fields regarding entrepreneurship and tourism. These fields are divided into topics (topics) which are logically connected. Students will be able to determine the main tourism trends that they have to know before creating a new tourism enterprise/business. Furthermore, in the program there will be provided detailed information about the specifics of entrepreneurship in service sector, setting up and operating facilities in tourism destinations, valorization of diverse tourism resources needed for providing high quality products and services, alternative types of tourism activities and their sustainability, the importance of marketing and promotion in tourism. Also provided will be some techniques and methods for determining the internal and external circumstances of the operating business, such as situational analysis and SWOT analysis. Accordingly, to the provided theoretical information and knowledge students will be also given practical advices through presentation of best practices in the country and abroad, as well as lecturing by members of the tourism business community.


Transnational Curriculum "Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Related Industries" - VET Level

{mlang en}The main objective of the Transnational curriculum is to provide students with knowledge on the role and characteristics of entrepreneurship in new technologies and similar industries in modern conditions of operating enterprises. It focuses on technological innovations and how they can be successfully used by tourism companies.

The curriculum is divided into 2 levels: vocational education and training level, and university level.

{mlang}{mlang bg}

Основната цел на Транснационалната учебна програма е да запознае обучаемите с ролята и характеристиките на предприемачеството в новите технологии и свързаните индустрии в съвременните условия на действащи предприятия. Фокусира се върху технологичните иновации и тяхното успешно използване от туристическите компании.

Учебната програма е разделена на две нива: ниво професионално образование и обучение [ПОО] и Университетско ниво.


Subject overview

The subject introduces students to the challenges of starting a new business venture in a travel, tourism and hospitality setting. The subject programme covers various theoretical and practical aspects of entrepreneurship and innovations management that will help students gain skills to develop a feasible business plan in travel, tourism and hospitality. Furthermore, the module focuses on technological innovations and how they can be successfully used by tourism companies.



The subject aims to:

  • Equip students with theoretical knowledge about entrepreneurship, innovations and business planning in travel, tourism and hospitality
  • Develop an appreciation about technological innovations in tourism
  • Develop skills for applying the theoretical knowledge into tourism business practice
  • Develop managerial, decision-making, creative thinking, planning and organisational skills
  • Provide students with skills for effective and efficient business planning in tourism


Learning outcomes

After completing the subject students should be able to:

  • Understand the key aspects of entrepreneurship in tourism context
  • Appreciate the role of new technologies in travel, tourism and hospitality
  • Identify the costs and benefits associated with the adoption of technological innovations in a tourism context.
  • Critically evaluate the role of innovations in the entrepreneurial process in tourism
  • Identify the key elements and steps in developing a business plan
  • Develop and justify a business plan
  • Formulate a competitive business strategy
  • Create an innovative marketing mix to attract customers
  • Know how to finance the business venture
  • Evaluate the feasibility of the business idea
  • Identify and manage risks in the business process
  • Evaluate the role of technology in successful company operations


Transnational Curriculum "Entrepreneurship in New Technologies and Related Industries" - University Level

Objectives of the program

The main objective of the program is to provide students with knowledge on the role and characteristics of entrepreneurship in new technologies and similar industries in modern conditions of operating enterprises. The gained knowledge is aimed primarily on small and medium sized enterprises which have the need for implementing modern technologies and entrepreneurship. Students will gain dominantly creative and practical knowledge.


Program outcomes

After completing this program the students will be able to understand the importance of innovation and creativity in entrepreneurship, especially in using new technologies. They will gain knowledge about the different operations of entrepreneurship and the implementation of new technologies in the different phases and aspects of the process. Students will also comprehend the implications on various levels that can arise and will be able to identify the risks and how to overcome them in order to be successful. In this regard they will also learn how to determine the best outcomes of problem solving that arise from implementing new technology, more specifically through situational and SWOT - analysis and finding the best solutions. Legal ramifications are an important part of the gained knowledge that may arise and must be taken into account/An important part of the gained knowledge is the legal ramifications that may arise and that have to be taken into account. Additionally, to the theoretical knowledge, students will be in continuous contact with representatives of the business community who will share with students’ best practices and examples from their personal experience regarding new technologies.


Transnational Curriculum "Entrepreneurship in New Technologies and Related Industries" - VET Level

A set of practical online training courses for successful entrepreneurs divided into Master Classes, including theory, case studies and workshops.



4 modules and 20 units will reveal students the secrets of becoming a successful entrepreneur. This brief practical guide will spice up the entrepreneurial knowledge of the young people.


Elaborated by: M.A. Emina Veliu, North Macedonia

It is meaningful to pay attention to Philip Kotler’s branding marketing advocacy: „The art of marketing is the art of branding.” More importantly, the clarification that „in the absence of a branding, the price is everything and the one- winners are those with the lowest prices ...” (Hammond, 2003).

Tourism Branding

The Master Class "Tourism Branding" includes the following courses:

  • Tourism Branding I: Brand and Brand Positioning - Course & Workshop
  • Tourism Branding II: Copywriting (Brand Personality and Headlines) - Workshops
  • Tourism Branding III: Copywriting (Brand Name) - Workshop


Elaborated by: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Serezliev, Bulgaria


Choosing a career is a process that helps us to reveal oneself (interests, preferences, abilities, will), to reveal the profession (overlook, practice, discussion with professionals, information) and to make professional choice (research, job applications, rejection of agreements).


Elaborated by: Genta Xhelili (Lepuri), Albania

The economy was pictured until recently as linear, with a strong tendency to satisfy the consumers’ needs with brand new products, somehow to give them a feeling of exclusivity. However, a full range of environmental, socio-demographic and economic indicators, mostly alarming, rose the need to change our consumption and production habits. One of the main and current issues discussed in the media is climate change, of which principal source is, according to studies, households’ consumption, thus including consumption of tourism. To tackle this problem, new ways of thinking the economy appeared since few years, in particular in developed countries, and circular economy embodies most of them.


Elaborated by: Media Suite, Greece


circular economy

Available courses

Course Image Course 1: Fundamentals of International Tourism

This topic will look at the concept of transnational entrepreneurship in tourism and will presented the fundamentals of international tourism. It will reveal the importance of tourism statistics. The development stages, which are subject of the transnational entrepreneurship in tourism are presented and analysed. The main types of tourism that can defined in transnational entrepreneurship such as the mass tourism, the activity-based tourism, the ecotourism and the geotourism are given. The increasing value of the international tourism will be clarified, and the transnational entrepreneurship will be analysed.

Elaborated by: Prof. N. Moussiopoulos and Dr. G. Perkoulidis, Greece

Course Image Course 2: Principles of Transnational Entrepreneurship in Tourism

The role of tourism in the development of any country, as well as its social, economic and regional effects, lead to the need to provide advanced knowledge of entrepreneurship and innovation. The idea of this knowledge is to improve the management processes in tourism, to increase labor productivity, quality of service, job satisfaction, training and career development of the employees in the tourism industry. Having that into account, the present topic reviews the nature and role of the entrepreneurship in the tourist sector. Different varieties of approaches for internationalization and entry modes to the new markets are presented.

Elaborated by: Prof. Dr. Teodora Georgieva, Bulgaria

Course Image Course 3: Innovations and Creativity in Tourism

The topic introduces readers to the concept of innovation, typology of innovations, drivers and relation to the process of creativity and more specifically to the creative tourism. The topic aims to achieve critical evaluation of the role of innovations for creative tourism and in the creative process. 

Elaborated by: Prof. DrSc. Sonia Mileva, Bulgaria

Course Image Course 4: Developing a Business Plan in an International Context

The topic offers a snapshot of the issues that must be elaborated in an international business plan in the field of tourism and similar industries. Discussed are the major elements of a business plan, namely company information and background, market analysis, organisational structure and management, marketing plan, financial plan. These cornerstone areas are overviewed mostly from the perspective of the planning process and more detailed information about each of them could be obtained from the rest of the chapters.

Elaborated by: Dr. Nina Zlateva, Bulgaria

Course Image Course 5: Analysis of the International Business Environment

The topic introduces readers to the concept of micro and macro environment, internal and external factors that shape the business development. Presented are the main tools, approaches and model for analysis – PESTEL framework for international macro environment, Porter’s Five Competitive framework for analysis of microenvironment, Porter’s Value chain analysis for internal environment and SWOT/TOWS matrix. 

Elaborated by: Prof. DrSc. Sonia Mileva, Bulgaria

Course Image Course 6: International Marketing Management in Tourism

This topic will look at the international marketing management in tourism. It will reveal the definitions of international tourism, international transportation by the point of view of air travel and international accommodation, as hotel brands and the corporate chains, consortia, and farmhouse accommodation and agri-tourism. Furthermore, the international ancillary services will be presented, such as travel agency operations and business tourism market. Tourism offices and international tourism marketing will be analysed in the frame of international tourism organisations and stakeholders.

Elaborated by: Prof. N. Moussiopoulos and Dr. G. Perkoulidis

Course Image Course 7: International Financial Management in Tourism

This topic will look at the international financial management in tourism. It will reveal the management control systems. The pricing decisions in hotels, such as that guests wanted, what strategy best complemented the business mix, how that strategy affected connected channels and distribution systems and which pricing approaches were accepted by integrated channels, will be analysed. The experts help for the right pricing strategy will be given. Building data and analysis driven pricing strategy will be clarified, and cash flows budget management, cash technology and the rising costs of doing business will be analysed.

Elaborated by: Prof. N. Moussiopoulos and Dr. G. Perkoulidis

Course Image Course 8: International Human Resource Management in Tourism

The topic introduces readers to the concept of human resource management (HRM) in Tourism. Presented are the process of forecasting the need of human resources, the steps to develop a human resources plan, development of organizational chart and job description. Special attention is given to the recruitment, selection, reward and appraisal as factor for human resources management. The role of globalization and cultural factors are considered as key determinants in Tourism human resource management in an international context.

Elaborated by: Prof. DrSc. Sonia Mileva, Bulgaria

Course Image Course 9: Managing International Risk in Tourism

This topic will look at the managing the international business risk in tourism. It will reveal the international business risk, such as political, exchange, credit, transport, market and cultural risk. The management risk in internationals business in tourism by the point of view of modern tools, shortcomings of traditional techniques, generating data, new decision-making parameters, and countries’ specific financial risk will be analysed. New parameters such as financial risk premium, insolvency or illiquidity, maximum debt level, implied volatility, and finally the systematic risk will be given.

Elaborated by: Prof. N. Moussiopoulos and Dr. G. Perkoulidis

Course Image Course 10: Business Stewardship in International Tourism

This topic will look at the business stewardship in tourism. It will reveal the definition of stewardship in practice, the elements, costs and outcomes. In the frame of stewardship, the automation technologies for the travel, tourism and hospitality industries will be analysed. The advantages and disadvantages, which are considered for utilising these technologies will be presented. Furthermore, the destination stewards will be also presented, where aspects such as consumers and the catch-22 of the technology, the transformation of travellers to citizen-travellers and stewards, and the management to stewardship will be analysed.

Elaborated by: Prof. N. Moussiopoulos and Dr. G. Perkoulidis

Course Image Course 11: Good Practices of transnational entrepreneurship

The topic will reveal good practices in trans-border cooperation between destinations. Furthermore, the topic will cover good practices in transnational entrepreneurship of tourist companies and will overview practical exampled by tourist sectors such as accommodation establishments, travel agencies, restaurants, etc.  Successful transborder tourist products will be introduced. The materials are presented as case studies.

Elaborated by:

Team of authors - Prof. Dr. Teodora Georgieva, Prof. Dr. Sc. Sonia Mileva, Dr. Nina Zlateva

Course Image Course 1: Basics of Entrepreneurship

The topic will serve as an introduction to the fundamental principles that comprises entrepreneurship. Students will get acquainted with the basics of establishing modern businesses, with reference to international settings. The modern entrepreneurs operate globally interconnected conditions which makes their work very complicated.

Elaborated by: M. Sc. Fjona Çukani, Albania

Course Image Course 2: Introduction to Globalization

In order to understand the operation of transnational businesses students need to have the basic knowledge about circumstances in global terms. This topic serves as a continuation of the previous one. More specifically, elaborated are the general characteristics of global implications not only on the economy, but also on society and the environment. Conducting businesses in such conditions is a field for itself that comprises various elements.

Elaborated by: 

Course Image Course 3: Basics of International Entrepreneurship

The global conditions implicate a different way of conducting businesses. The modern entrepreneur must understand the basics of international entrepreneurship in order to be successful in his/her transnational organization/business entity. Although this type of entrepreneurship is similar in some ways to the national entrepreneurship, it is a more difficult process. The number of implications that influence or may arise from the transnational entrepreneurship is much higher. This means that the modern entrepreneur must be well educated and trained in order to operate in an international manner.

Course Image Course 4: International Economic Relations

The most important implications that can arise from conducting international business happen in the economic domain. That is why this topic is examining the economic relations between businesses that exist in different countries/regions. Although businesses operate in different circumstances, they have to find common grounds in order to operate. Hence, the entrepreneur must have a wide range of knowledge regarding not only economy, but also socio-cultural relations, psychology and so on. In this topic examined are in details international customers, international agreements, customs and freight-forwarding challenges. International competition is getting fiercer because enterprises from all around the world conduct diversification of their products and services.

Course Image Course 5: Situational Analysis and SWOT-analysis

Every entrepreneur must understand the circumstances in which they operate in an internal and external sense. This is a continuous process given the fact that every business entity goes through changes over time. Therefore, this topic will provide students with the insights and knowledge into different ways for analyzing the surroundings of the business entity. The external environment of the company is even more complicated in the international setting. Not only does the company cooperate with diverse international businesses, but also inside the company there exists a diverse workforce. One of the most important analyses of this kind is the SWOT – analysis. This analysis takes into account the positive and negative ramifications that may occur when creating a new business.  

Course Image Course 6: International Marketing and Promotion

As a continuation of the previous topic serves this part of the program which refers to international marketing and promotion. As the most important part of international economic relations represents the international marketing strategy. More specifically, this includes examining the different target markets and the process of choosing the right one, placement of a product on the international market, international promotion and so on. From this topic the students will get knowledge that will help them in providing a competitive advantage on the international market in the future. Especially when creating a transnational business, it is unavoidable to create the proper international marketing strategy.

Course Image Course 7: International Business Law

The legal implications that arise from conducting international business are numerous. If the entrepreneur has little or no knowledge of these implications, they can lead to destructive repercussions for the business itself. International agreements contain obligations and rights for both sides. When one or both sides don’t comply with them then this will lead to legal actions. International business law is complicated because they apply differently in different countries or regions. Innovation and the copyright protection of knowledge is also more complicated on the international stage. This is also addressed in the topic. That is why the modern entrepreneur must understand the main elements of international business law before he/she start to operate with the business.

Course Image Course 8: Human Resource Management in Transnational Enterprises

One of the most important part of this program is the topic about managing human resources in transnational businesses. The manager/entrepreneur must understand the different needs of the diverse workforce. In larger companies the staff originates from many different countries and cultures. This can represent a positive advantage, but also may lead to many risks that can affect the production and the success of the company. In this type of management very important is the adequate motivation of the workforce. Even on the same level in the hierarchy of the organizational structure, people will have different characteristics and needs. That is why the entrepreneurs’ activities in relation to the human resources represent a very complicated and stressful phenomenon. This topic provides students with the knowledge to develop efficient human resource management styles that will take into account the inner transnational circumstances of operating of the entity.

Course Image Course 9: International Financial Management

This topic elaborates the financial aspects of developing a business plan in an international context. Financial management is a key aspect in successful operations of companies. This topic will inform students how to make financial forecasts for their business and prepare balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement for their business plan for a transnational company. They will also learn how to evaluate the financial feasibility of their business idea.

Course Image Course 10: International Risk Management

A newly created business must continuously battle many different risks. On the international/transnational scale this battle is even fiercer. Because of the wide range of implications on the environment, social and economic sphere, the modern entrepreneur must understand the different types of risks that can appear inside, as well as outside of the enterprise. The external risks that can arise can come from many sides which often cannot be anticipated. In accordance to this, the entrepreneur must create such a management system that is oriented not only towards solving domestic but also international problems. This topic will examine different methods for removing and minimizing such types of risks. After the completion of the topic and the program in total, the future entrepreneurs will be equipped with the needed knowledge to better anticipate and mitigate international risks. This task of removing risks is even more dangerous in the beginning phases of establishing a new business. That is why the different phases of establishing a transnational business will also be included in this topic.

Course Image Course 11: Best Practices

Best practices in this field will include examples regarding all the previously mentioned topics (topics) that refer to transnational entrepreneurship. This will include positive cases of conducting international business. This topic will also correspond to the practical lectures by the professionals and experts.

Course Image Course 1: Fundamentals of Tourism

The demand for tourism can be defined in various ways. The most common definition defines tourism demand as the total number of persons who travel or wish to travel, and use tourist facilities and services at places away from their places of work or residence. Therefore, the travel sector defines demand as the number of consumers who travel and use tourism facilities in a given timescale. 

Elaborated by: Media Suite, Greece

Course Image Course 2: Sustainable Tourism

At the beginning of the 80s, the term and concept of “sustainability” were known and popular only by a small group of environmentalists and environmental economists. However, due to the awareness of a heavy deterioration of the human environment and the natural resources, sustainable development has been put on the international political agenda by the UN, namely the Brundtland Commission. 

Elaborated by: Media Suite, Greece

Course Image Course 3: Principles of sustainable entrepreneurship in tourism

Entrepreneurship: The capacity and willingness to develop organize and manage a business venture along with any of its risks in order to make a profit. The most obvious example of entrepreneurship is the starting of new businesses. Entrepreneurial spirit is characterized by innovation and risk-taking, and is an essential part of a nation's ability to succeed in an ever changing and increasingly competitive global marketplace.

Elaborated by: Media Suite, Greece

Course Image Course 4: Innovations and creativity in sustainable tourism

Innovation is no less crucial for the development of a tourism industry, which is classified as a service sector. Tourism encompasses travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes. Producing and marketing tourism products is not the same as producing and marketing industrial products.

Elaborated by: Media Suite, Greece

Course Image Course 5: Developing a Business Plan

Business plans help you run the business; a good business plan guides you through each stage of starting and managing your business. You’ll use your business plan as a roadmap for how to structure, run, and grow your new business.

Business plans can help you get funding or bring on new business partners. Investors want to feel confident they’ll see a return on their investment. Your business plan is the tool you’ll use to convince people that working with you — or investing in your company — is a smart choice.

Elaborated by: Media Suite, Greece

Course Image Course 6: Analysis of the business environment – a sustainability perspective

A PESTEL analysis is a framework or tool used by marketers to analyse and monitor the macro-environmental factors that have an impact on the organisation.

Elaborated by: Media Suite, Greece

Course Image Course 7: Sustainable marketing management in tourism

The marketing formula is much like a recipe full of combination. This combination is referred to as the 'Marketing Mix'. The marketing mix is the set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that a company uses to produce a desired response from its target market. It consists of everything that a company can do to influence demand for its product. It is also a tool to help marketing planning and execution.

Elaborated by: Media Suite, Greece

Course Image Course 8: Sustainable financial management in tourism

The financial statements are used to give readers an overview of the financial results and condition of a business. 

Elaborated by: Media Suite, Greece

Course Image Course 9: Sustainable human resource management in tourism

For any business to perform well, it must acquire and optimize the deployment of people with talent. Identifying the right talent to fill particular positions and roles is critical to an organization’s effective functioning. All, too often, though, businesses fail to devote sufficient attention to this issue. Organizations and jobs will never be the same eternally. Changes are based on the global economy, on changing technology, on our changing work force, on cultural and demographic changes, and on the changing nature of work itself.

Elaborated by: Media Suite, Greece

Course Image Course 10: Managing Risk in Tourism

Tourism firms face the same two sources of risk and uncertainty as individual tourists: that the future is unknowable and having relatively limited tacit knowledge of other places. The future risks, and some place-specific risks, are generic forms of risk faced by all businesses, but other elements are tourism specific. These include the enhanced potential importance of external shocks (such as natural hazards or riots) given the discretionary nature of tourism spending, while their necessarily mobile customers have limited tacit knowledge of most destinations. 

Elaborated by: Media Suite, Greece

Course Image Course 2: Fundamentals of sustainable development and sustainable entrepreneurship

In this brief course the participants will be introduced with a number of terms and concepts, among which “Sustainability” is chief. They will learn that it is not just the establishing and the investing in a business, but more important than that is for that business to be sustainable. We will discuss definitions, planning, strategies, methods and different approaches to create and maintain a business through sustainability.

Elaborated by: Zilbije Ibraimi, North Macedonia

The price is one important element of the marketing mix, as it is the only one which adds value to the business. Price is very dependent on the customer demand for the service. Generally, as price goes down, the quantity demanded rises, and as price rises, the quantity demanded goes down. This may suggest that prices are inversely related to demand. However, at times, customers perceive that higher prices could be an indicator of high quality. The relative responsiveness in demand to changes in price is known as elasticity. An elastic demand is one where a change in price greatly changes demand.  An inelastic demand is one where a change in price has a little effect on demand. Therefore, customers’ demand for products is not always related to their price. There are other elements which could affect their purchase decision.

Elaborated by Media Suite, Greece

Keywords: Determining Demand, Setting Prices, Elastic Demand, Inelastic Demand, Airline Demand, Prestige Pricing, Penetration Pricing, Cost-Based Pricing, Break-Even Chart, Volume Pricing, Differential Pricing, Uniform Pricing, Revenue Dilution, Competition, Destination Management

The material “Fundamentals of tourism” is elaborated under the project “Transnational Educational Network for young people – new technologies and entrepreneurial thinking in the tourism industry” with acronym TRANS-EDU-NET,  BMP1/1.3/2290/2017 and MIS code 501742, co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries on behalf of Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering (LHTTE),  Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), being a Partner 4 in the project. The content of this material or parts of it cannot be copied or used without the prior written consent of Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering (LHTTE), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh).

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